NeuChem Coaching Certificate and Diploma - live sessions reminder
October Newsletter
Wellbeing Champions: ILM recognised training
UK mental health report / Get outside! / Connections
Zombified employees, remembering with our noses, CARi 2020 Vision
Stress: how to make it work for us
Changing organisations: how to use curiousity and psychology to make it work
HR, Leadership & Neuroscience: the missing piece?
Start making stress a healthy business and personal solution
Who's Afraid of the Big Bad "Mental Health" Wolf?
Experience the Power of Neuroscience
Whitepaper for Dept of Work and Pensions, Gender Identity and wellbeing at work, and Wellbeing speaking events
Holistic Wellbeing Summit, Daydreaming and Repairing Fractured Care
Invite to Holistic Wellbeing Summit with Leatham Green and Maria Paviour
Last spaces on Brighton 1 day Neuroscience and Coaching Course
Mental Health Awareness Week Resources, Happiness and Wellbeing at Work
Hollistic Wellbeing Summit, Stress Awareness Month plus FREE E-BOOK
Understanding Stress for your Coaching Clients. Special ConGRADulations to School's Graduates.
Celebrating Women in Science; Our data protection; NHS-Deal or No Deal? and Coach of the Month
Upgrade your coaching skills, Celebrate International Womens Day and our Coach of the Month!